Visiting ETS Ingenierios Telecomunicación


All of us since our childhood we think about what to study in the future or the university we want to go. We had the privilege to go on a trip to the "Escuela Técnica Superior de Ingenieros de telecomunicación" (ETSIT) Telecommunications engineers are experts in communications technology. They are responsible for the design, research and development of cable and satellite communications systems, mobile phones, radio waves, Internet and email. Many will think this trip is boring but it was truly a great experience where we learned and did so many things. 

First thing we did is to eat breakfast because there was a cafeteria there, while we were waiting for the people who will show us the university. After eating our breakfast they gave us giveaways. It was a bag with their logo, a notebook, guides to know more about engineering degrees and a device to cover the camera of our computer. 

Mr. Jesús Grajal gave us a talk about telecommunications engineers, what they do and what they studied. The best thing is that you can ask anything to him and also ask about other engineering branches. Then we went in there museum. It was interesting because we saw so many things they used in the past. We saw what they use to communicate, their televisions, radio, a turntable and many more. 

 After we visited the Radio Teaching Laboratories. We did a practice on "Measurements in the time and frequency domain. Visualisation of signals in Oscilloscopes and Spectrum Analysers", by Ms. Marta Ferreras. It was a great thing to do and the experience was enjoyable. 

The last thing we did is to go into a room and they gave us a talk on Artificial Intelligence by Mr. Pedro Reviriego. It is so amazing how technology is so advanced nowadays. 

In conclusion, It is important to investigate more universities and studies in order for us to be able to know what we want to do in the future. When there are trips like this, let us go to this kind of trips because they are great opportunities!

Jiellian, 1º Bach

Photo: Official Web page IES Almudena (Sección Actividades Bachillerato)


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