Solar panel: "La Ingeniería en Tus Manos"


This year we have an exciting program called "La Ingeniería en Tus Manos". It is organized by the Polytechnic University of Madrid, which its aim is to construct a moving solar panel platform that follows the sun and stores electrical energy. The conditions are: the construction should have 2 motors to spin and sufficient sensors to identify the direction of the sun, and the data will be presented in your phone.

This project is in order to build our capabilities of planning, cooperation and knowledge of technology. As this project is for Bach students, so you should have sufficient hand-making and programming skills. The aim of this project is to make us enjoy the process, develop an interest in technology, and learn new things during the teamwork.

During this project, you are obligated to have a vision of future planning and work division. As you know, this project includes these parts: designing, construction and programming. Every part requires a lot of effort.

Designing is the top priority, it requires you to exploit your imagination and make a rational plan to realize your idea. 3d drawings, AutoCAD models, material selections and costs, and allocation make you dazzled. But when you overcome these difficulties, the path ahead is clear.

The most difficult one is the programming. You have to program using Arduino in aid to make the solar panel move following the sun. So the program must know how to compare the data which it receives and move properly. The logical abilities make big usefulness in this part and the program must be clear and brief. The direction, the angle and the velocity require us to debug repeatedly. When you think that is the right time, you can connect it to the model.

At the same time, you also start the construction. Following the AutoCAD model and the data it gave, you start the construction. During this process, you might meet some emergencies which really require your problem-solving abilities. At this time a team meeting is essential, which requires your ability of communication. When everything is finished, it is time to connect cables, motors and sensors.

If you review the process, you will realize that communication appears in every part of this project, discussing with other people is a normal phenomenon. So finding the balance and making a wise choice is what the students should do. A clear, calm mind and a reasonable arrangement are what this project needs.

Overall, this project is beneficial for all students, it improves the student´s abilities in a way of practicing. Students enjoy learning valuable skills and knowledge during their work. So if are interested in engineering, this program is the one that fix you more.

Aiwei Bach1A


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