Quevedo vs Quevedo: Comparative Literature


Normally when people think of a Spanish language class the first thing that comes to their heads is a boring literature poem to learn or a long sentence to syntax.

But, as you already expect, some things are not like that, and are really enjoyable. 

Let me explain myself, last Thursday 8 of February in our Spanish class of language and literature our teacher brought a woman that spoke to us about the similarities of the Spanish writer Francisco de Quevedo and the young Spanish singer Pedro Quevedo. Imagine that! 

We learned a lot of new things and the instructor managed to keep our attention with actual Quevedo the singer songs and how did F. Quevedo had done poetry with the same messages as the singer. 

At first, she said that both were born in Spain (a thing I did not knew because I thought the singer was from southern America), she said as well they both lost their fathers when they were young and because of that they wrote very sad poems and songs. 

Also, they expressed their art in very similar ways, I mean, they used famous people as examples in their works and they both have works that talk about love, money, fame, death, … 

The instructor made me feel connected somehow with these two very famous people and I thank her for that. 

So, I have learnt in a different and cool way that made me enjoy a lot and forget the clock so that when the period ended, I still wanted more. To the one that had the idea of giving this class to us and the instructor, THANK YOU!

Salma, Bach 1ºA


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