Volleyball during the Break
Volleyball is a sport that you can play and practice in the break with your friends. If you are not too good at playing volleyball you can practice in the break with your friends because there is someone who is in charge to give volleyball balls to anyone who asks, he can give you one so you can play or practice.
Twice a week there are matches of volley. The teams from 4th of ESO play against them, the students form their own groups an then they play against them. The students like to play volleyball. They play against each other, then the teams who win play against another team that haswon, it is like that until there is only one team that have won and that team is going to play against the teachers, which is very exciting and entertaining to watch. The final was 4th of ESO against the teachers, it was very exciting and fun to watch because you could watch the match with your friends and bet on who was going to win. It is much fun to experience.
Volleyball in our high school is much fun, because in the break you can join people that play volleyball and they let you play, which is very kind of them, but sometimes you can just ask for another ball and play with your closest friends.
Sometimes the person who is in charge to give the balls put the net and the students can play against them. The volleyball matches are only for 4ht of ESO but the students from another grade can play but for fun not a real match, like they can practice until they are in 4th of ESO.
I personally like volleyball, I didn´t know how to play volleyball to be honest but I started to play during the break and I got better at playing it, I really have fun playing volleyball, I really recommend to play volleyball during the break, its okey if you don´t know how to play, you can learn it with playing it with your friends and have fun.
Caylin 2A
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