Spanish Language Spelling Competition
The Spelling competition is a great competition where the students of 2nd ESO can enjoy learning and having fun at the same time.
The competition ended last week and was divided into three levels.
In the first one, the students had to spell as many words as possible in three minutes. This stage was in the classes, and the first four people with more words in each group passed to the semifinals.
At the semifinals, four students from each class went to the Assembly Hall or Salón de Actos, so, as there are three groups of 2nd ESO, there were twelve students. In this second phase, two students from each class would be selected. And, as before, they had three words to spell as many words as possible.
The finals took place the following day. Two students from each class were competing, making a total of six sudents. In this final round, the words to spell were very difficult to pronounce, and, once again the person with more correctly spelt words in a time of three minutes was the final winner.
Two students, one of 2A and another from 2B, made more words than the rest of the people, and also made the same amount of words, so a tiebreaker was needed in this case.
They repeated once again this pattern, three minutes and error range of three mistakes.
The 2B student won the competition and, as a reward, he won a cheque and a diploma.
I personally think that this competition was exciting and interesting, I had always wondered how a spelling competition would look like and now I know.
Nour 2A
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