Paintball at Granja Escuela Atalaya!
Is it the best activity of Granja Escuela?
Some students said that paintball was the best activity of all Granja Escuela, and the other part of the students said that it is a good activity but not their favourite.
Probably this is the best activity of probably not so, it depends on what the students think about that.
A dangerous activity?
It seems that it is not a dangerous activity if you have the proper equipment to protect all your body. If you cover all your body, your head and neck, you wil be protected all the time.
How is paintball played there?
First of all, the game is played between two teams in a deathmatch. It means that if somebody of the rival team hits you with a bullet you are eliminated.
As we said previously, the game is over when a team does not have more people in combat, so the other team that still have a person remaining in combat wins.
In the beginning of each round, each person has 14 bullets in their gun. When you do not have more ammo you are eliminated. It seems that it is very easy, but it has its difficulty.
The activity is a good option to spend time with somebody and much fun. And the students enjoyed it very much.
John 2A
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