My impressions visiting a danish higschool in Denmark (Erasmus +)
This year students from this school had the opportunity to go on an Erasmus trip. This was a great opportunity so many of us submitted a letter as to why we wanted and should go and the influence you have had on the school was also taken into account. There were 24 of us selected and we split up to go to 2 different countries which were Denmark and Poland. I had the opportunity to be selected, so I am going to tell you some interesting facts about the trip and interesting things about the country:
We spent the first days visiting the country, and the last three days were spent getting to know more about the Danish students and how they teach there. They don't use pen and paper like us but only use the computer and they don't have exams either but they have work throughout the year. Their school has many areas where you can relax, talk or study, they have a cinema inside the school and at the doors of each class there are screens on which you can see which class is being taught, from what time to what time the class is and if it is busy or not. In terms of education I would prefer Denmark as they also give you a lot of financial aid and you can go on a gap year when the year is over, many of them even have 2 gap years.
This trip has been a great opportunity to live with people from other countries as well as an opportunity to see the culture of this country. This trip has been a great experience that will certainly not be forgotten and will give the opportunity to other courses to experience it if the opportunity arises next year, so if it could be repeated I would not miss it. It has also been a great way to see how you feel in another country and a way to see what it would be like to speak English fluently with people from other countries. So I think it has been one of the best trips I have had with the school.
In conclusion, if you are given the opportunity to go on this trip, don't turn it down because it has been a wonderful experience.
Noelia 1º Bach
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