Making Scale Models of Castles
This article is about the work of History subject that dealt with the castles of the time of Feudalism. In this project we had to make a reusable castle using materials such as cardboard, bottles, cans, caps, leaves, etc.
This castle, or rather fortress had to be built fulfilling certain requirements. We were to include different constructions from the feudal era such as a a church, a weapons store, a watchtower, etc. You also had to add the name of each building within the fortress.
There were different rules to create the walled town: we could not do anything with the castle outside class, it was forbidden to steal other classmates materials and you could not use non reusable materials.
The project was graded according to the number of buildings required. The level of detail was valued too: colouring the castle, making a town, drawing a moat, having a drawbridge... Finally, the effort that each member of the group had put into the the work and in building the castle was also taken into account.
Daniel 2A
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