Helping neurodivergent people (and winning) with AIPC Pandora: "Impulsando Sueños"
Youth need to start taking control over our future. That is why, last year, AIPC Pandora contacted our high school and gave us the amazing and unique opportunity to accomplish this.
On March of 2022, me and six classmates presented ourselves to a the AIPC Pandora contest, “Ford Impulsando Sueños”. We got there and they assigned us someone to guide our project. The main idea of the contest was to present a project that was helpful to our society and that solved some kind of problem that is present in our day to day.
Many problems came to our mind, so it was extremely difficult for us to start our project, because we had many ideas. But we finally had the perfect problem that we wanted to work on. That day, we created and presented in a two minute speech our project, Adáptanos.
What is Adáptanos about? Adáptanos is a project that focuses on improving education, but it is focused on neurodivergences. Neurodivergent people suffer a lot in their daily lives, because they do have to try their best to understand each of their classes, even though it is really difficult to them. So, Adáptanos is a project focused on adapting education to neurodivergent people, instead of them adapting to education.
Adáptanos got chosen with nine other projects out of forty three to participate in the final round in which they would just select three winner projects. We had mentoring classes each Saturday during four hours during two months. We got to learn a lot, they taught us a lot of things to improve our project, so we got filled with knowledge.
Finally, on June, we got to the final day in which we had to present our project with a short video and a three minute speech about it. We had no faith in us but, at the same time, we had the feeling that we would got chosen. Two projects were announced, and finally, they announced the last winning project, Adáptanos.
It was one of the greater things that I have experienced. Not only I got to achieve this with my friends but, I also got to have a voice and take part in trying to change something about society.
Alejandra, 1 Bachillerato.
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