Drama Club: Theatre Class in La Almudena
My experience in the theater activity in the high school, I didn’t imagine it at all that I would like it. Because the first time that I went to the theater class I felt really strange. It was my first time and it was new for me, I had never done something like this before and I decided to go because my teacher told me, so I thought that it would be a good idea to try something different.
So the first day I went with a close friend and I felt confident, but that day was her last one, because she did not like it at all, but I, on the contrary, felt really comfortable with the people, and with the theatre teacher, so I decided to give it a try. I decided to give it a second chance and in just two weeks I was completely blended with the group, that helped me overcome my shyness.
I have to say that the first class I did not like it at all, I did not know how they organise a theater class and it was also so boring... But now, fortunately, we are working in a theater play to represent it the last day of high-school and I love it because it is real fun.
There was a moment when I thought that I could not handle it with the high-school stuff so I was close to leaving the group. But I remembered myself speaking in public, or presenting something in class, and I am so bad at it, because it is difficult for me, and I thought that theater, acting with people that I do not know, would help me confront that.
If I had not given a second chance to this project I would have been able to speak better in front of a lot of people, I would still be really embarrassed speaking in public, and that is a big problem.
So thanks to the great people and the incredible teacher who I am with in theater class I feel much more confident right now, and thanks to them when I needed to forget the school stuff or the other problmes they helped me just acting with me.
I learned not to judge something not knowing beforehand how it is, I need to give it a chance first and then I can have an opinion about it.
Maryam 1ºBach
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