Beyond Hades: a different (Greco-Roman) Halloween with Arturo
A few weeks before Halloween, our latin teacher had a great idea: doing a gymkhana based on Greco-Roman mythology.
We started thinking about how we could make it happen and when we finally begun preparing all of the things we need for the gymkhana to make it work, we realised it was about to be Halloween already so we had to rush the making process.
Creating it was enjoyable and fun. Each one of us was assigned a character. We gor very lucky because we did not have to make the costumes or buy them because our teacher had plenty of them that he lend us for the gymkhana.
I was dressed as Cerberus, who was a monstrous dog with three heads. His owner was Hades. I had to put a gigantic outfit in which I almost could not see but wearing it was worth it because scaring people and acting like Cerberus was very funny and entertaining.
People reacted in very different ways. A lot of them where unbothered, maybe because seeing someone acting like an enormous and terrifying dog being 153 cm tall was not as intimidating as it was supposed to be. But some of the younger groups did get scared. They jumped back and slightly yeelled. Other participants tried to guess who I was.
Overall it was a distinct assignment and I loved it.
Irene 1ºBach
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