ADAPTAMOS: helping our community
In my past years of highschool I have done multiple activities that I personally liked, but one of the most significative, was the "Adaptamos" project. This project consisted on a specialised group to help the multiple highschool students that attend school in Comunidad de Madrid emotionally or in other aspects.
This was for me a really good activity basically because it made my group and me realise how many problems the system of these days has. This project had various instructors to help and inspire the different groups of students. We made our project about mental health because a lot of problems these days have issues like depression, strees and other problems.
My group did not pass to the next stage, but our classmates won the competiton with a project about TDF and other issues that can affect you in studying. They had finally a prize of 1000 euros to apply their project to real life and a trip to a summercamp.
I really liked this activity because I enjoyed very much to be with my friends, a lot of people encouraged us, and I personally realised how many problems our place to live has, because there were also problems like excesive garbages that is alos a big problem, so it really opened my eyes.
Elias 1º Bach
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